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Property - Development Regeneration




This is a plan around a common theme, e.g. new technology.


Being responsible for someone or something.

Accountable Body

The legal entity nominated to act on behalf of the Partnership in taking responsibility for the receipt and use of SRB grant and the realisation of the Delivery Plan. In the case of Southampton Regeneration Partnership, the City Council is the accountable body.

Act of Parliment

Law or Decree e.g. The Criminal Justice Act. Also called a statute

Action Plan

This is a plan around a common theme, e.g. new technology.

Active Communities Directorate

Government body located at the Home Office supporting "strong and active communities in which people of all races and backgrounds are valued and participate on equal terms by developing social policy to build fair, prosperous and cohesive society in which everyone has a stake and to ensure that active citizenship contributes to the enhancement of democracy and the development if civil society." Includes the ACU, the Civil Renewal Unit and Charities Unit.

Active Community Unit

Government body located in the Active Communities Directorate of the Home Office tasked to create a "change in culture, in which being active in your community is a usual and everyday thing". It works to create local infrastructures for people to become more involved, including improving opportunities for volunteering, training and mentoring.


An assessment of the worth or quality of something. E.g. a regeneration project.

Area Based Initiatives

ABIs are publicly funded initiatives targeted on areas of social or economic disadvantage, which aim to improve the quality of life of residents and/or future life chances and those of their children.

Area Based Regeneration

Government initiatives for reviving communities aimed at tackling all the problems in a neighbourhood rather than one or two aspects. The idea is to address physical, economic and social decline in the round rather than in isolation.

Asset Register

Contains a list of all the capital assets held by SRB projects.


To identify all facilities, activities, resources specific to an area/group/department/association. E.g. A Community Audit or a financial check that is undertaken.


An independent person or organisation who checks on the correctness of a piece of work and reports back, usually on financial accounts but also on outputs.




Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone.


A measurement of the starting condition, for example numbers unemployed, before a programme is undertaken. The benefits of a programme can be assessed over time by comparing the baseline with more up to date figures.

Beacon Councils

Award scheme that aims to highlight good practice in delivering local government services. Other council are then encouraged to learn from the beacons.


A method used by public sector organisations, charities and private companies for gauging their performance by comparing it to the performance of other organisations, typically of a similar size.

Best Value

Regime that aims to continuously improve local government performance through a programme of reviews and inspections. Councils must examine their services according to four guiding principles. They must challenge how, why and by whom a service is provided; compare its performance with that of other authorities; consult service users; and use competition to get the best service available.


Draft of an Act of Parliament. When approved by Parliament (with any amendments) it becomes law and an Act.

Brownfield Site

Land that has been built on before and is usually in an urban area. The land involved is often contaminated. Under a government target, 60% of all new development should be on brownfield sites.

Buiness Improvement Distrct (BID)

Government regeneration initiative that allows councils to raise extra money from local businesses, but only if firms vote in favour of the move. The money is likely to be used for a specific project, such as cleaning litter and graffiti in an inner city area, rather that general local authority spending.

Business in the Community (BITC)

Business – led initiative to encourage private sector involvement in supporting their local communities financially and practically. The organisation attempts to standardise reporting about business impact on communities and gives awards for best practice.




All the resources available to an organisation. Includes people, money, equipment, expertise and information.

Capacity Building

Activities that aim to increase the ability of the voluntary sector to provide services or take action, mainly relating to the training and development of staff in both campaign and hand-on-work. Sometimes related to building the infrastructure of the sector through umbrella bodies and networking groups.

Capital Assets

Land and buildings (including any interest in land, and leasehold buildings), and items of equipment and other movable and immovable assets costing £2,500 or more, which on the date of purchase had a useful life of more than one year. These items must be recorded in an asset register.

Capital Funding

Money spent on physical assets such as buildings, equipment, improvements on buildings, vehicles etc.

CDA Board

The Board of the Southampton Regeneration Partnership consisting of 8 ordinary members and 8 elected community representatives.


The ordinary members represent Partner organisations that have a large role in some of the projects that make up the SRP programme; e.g. Southampton City Council and Hampshire TEC.


The community representatives are people who are residents, or work for Not For Profit Organisations or businesses in the SRB area; e.g. St. Mary s Church.


Referred to as the Chair, the person who directs and manages a meeting, or in the Council, committees.

Charities Unit

Government body located at the Active Communities Directorate of the Home Office to "develop and maintain a legal and regulatory framework which enables the charitable sector to realise its potential whilst ensuring that public confidence in the sector is maintained." Manages implementation of ‘Private Action, Public Benefit: a Review of Charities and Wider Not-for-Profit Sector and ministerial oversight of the Charities Commission. Ensures that legislation does not discriminate against the charitable sector or place charities at a disadvantage.


The government wants to encourage individuals, especially young people, to become "good citizens", characterised by volunteering or community service. The government believes citizenship involves being "informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights". Citizenship programmes are now compulsory in secondary schools.

Civil Renewal

According to Government, it is "about negotiating a new relationship between citizen and state, seeking to empower people to be active in furthering not only their own interests but those of other people in their community (whether a community of place or interest.

Civil Renewal Unit

Government body located at the Active Communities Directorate of the Home Office. Promotes "awareness and practices that will help increase citizens’ active and democratic engagement in decisions or activities which affect their lives." Responsible for taking forward the Community Capacity Building Review.

Claw Back

Grant monies reclaimed by the funding agency, usually occurs for reasons set out in the original funding contract which are subsequently breached.

Commercial Appraisal

An assessment of, for example, a development site or project based on commercial considerations rather than for example planning issues.


A group of people appointed to perform a specified service or function, usually with decision making powers.

Community Action Forum

Consultative fora, established for areas within the SRP area. CAF s are represented by one of their members on the appropriate Task Groups.

Community Chest

A £50m initiative aimed at helping community groups get started in deprived areas by funding small purchases such as computers, or the hire of meeting space. The programme, which started in 2001, will run over three years. Bids are limited to £5,000. For the 88 most deprived areas, an additional £10 million is being provided by the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit’s Skills and Knowledge Programme to fund Community Learning Chests (CLCs).

Community Cohesion

There is currently no universally accepted definition of this. However, at the moment, ideas include it being about the relationships between and within communities. It is also suggested that a cohesive community might be one in which there is a common vision and a sense of belonging for everyone in it. Also, that the diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued, and that people from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities.

COmmunity Empowerment Fund (CEF)

A £36m programme to help community and voluntary sector groups get involved in decisions about how public services are deliverable in their area through Local Strategic Partnerships.

Community Empowerment Network (CEN)

Gathering of the full range of community and voluntary sector groups in one of the 88 most deprived areas (borough or district) which also has Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. CENs should provide a link between themselves and Local Strategic Partnerships, representing their members on LSPs.

Community Forum

A sounding board of 20 community activists set up in 2002 to inform ministers and the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit about the impact of policies to tackle problems in the most deprived area.

Community Fund

Operating name of the national lottery charities board, which distributes national lottery money for specific projects to charities and voluntary organisations. It awards grants for initiatives that help meet the needs of those at greatest disadvantage in society and improve the quality of life in the community.

Community Learning Chest (CLC)

CLCs offer small grants of between £50 and £5,000 to help residents (both individuals and groups) play an active role in Neighbourhood Renewal through learning. The funds are targeted at the 88 most deprived areas.

Community Network

Same as Community Empowerment Network (CEN) but not in one of the 88 most deprived areas.

Community Strategy

Plans councils must draw up for improving the quality of life for local people. They must be completed with the help of businesses, voluntary groups and residents.


An agreement made by voluntary sector representatives and the government in 1998 covering the relationship between the two. Under the compact the government is committed to giving three months’ notice of both funding decisions and 3 months’ consultation , better feedback and statements on how proposed legislation will impact on the voluntary sector. The scheme has led to local compacts, and compacts on specific issues.

Comprehensive SPending Review

Treasury review of public sector spending across all Whitehall departments to examine productivity and plan expenditure over the medium term. Reviews take place every three years.


A Department for Education and Skills (DfES) initiative for young people aged 13-19 that offers access to information and advice on a wide range of topics including learning and careers.


A specialist who gives professional advice.


The two-way communication with people through various channels in order to discuss issues and to gain opinions. This is a speaking and listening exercise using various methods.

Core Funding

The money required operational, management and day to day costs of a voluntary organisation, including administration, property costs and staff salaries.

Council for Voluntary Service (CVS)

Local umbrella body for voluntary organisations,charities and campaign groups in a particular area. Provides a local forum for discussion and often training, pooled resources and recruitment.


An elected representative, who is a member of Southampton City Council.

Creative Industries

Arts, including music, dance, artworks, Media and Information Technology.



Delegated Limits

Projects, which require total funding of £250,000 or under over the life of each project, can be appraised and approved by the Partnership. Projects requiring funding over this amount are non-delegated and must be referred to the GO via the RDA for approval.


Projects that require total funding of £100,000 or under can be approved by the SRB Programme Manager and the chair and vice chair of the CDA Board under certain circumstances.


This is also considered by the Partnership as a delegated approval.

Delivery Plan

The document, prepared at the beginning of each year, which reviews the Partnership s progress and describes how the Partnership will progress the programme in the coming year.


Regeneration experts claim that one of the keys to improving the quality of Britain’s towns and cities is to increase the number of homes on one patch of land. That’s increasing the density.

Development Brief

A document for a development site, land or buildings, establishing guidelines for its development.

Development Trusts

A network of independent, not-for-profit organisations engaged in the economic, environmental and social regeneration of a defined area or community. Trusts are community based and owned. Activities are diverse and include provision of childcare centres and support for small businesses.

Directly Elected Mayor

Powerful council leader chosen by the public rather than other councillors. Has wide ranging powers over the day today running of a council, but still needs to pass his or her policies through full council.

Disaffected Person

E.g. a child who chooses not to be a part of the education system or society as a whole for one reason or another.


The spreading or sharing of information.



Education Action Zone (EAZ)

Local clusters of schools in deprived areas receiving special government grants to work together to raise and maintain education standards.


Government information available via the internet and other new technologies such as digital television, mobile phone and call centres. The government has set up a project that aims to make government – central and local – more accessible to communities, particularly deprived communities. The government wants as many services as possible available electronically by 2005.

Employment Zones

Government scheme to help long-term unemployed who are over 25 years old. The initiative, which is confined to selected deprived areas, involves pooling funds for training, employment service support and money that would otherwise be spent on benefit.


Enabling people to take responsibility for themselves and helping them to make decisions about their own lives.

English Cities Fund

A private company created by the government’s regeneration agency, English Partnerships, that invests in new mixed-use developments on the edges of towns and city centres. Initially worth around £100m it was set up to help meet government targets to secure more developments on Brownfield sites by attracting private finance into neglected areas.

English Heritage

Government agency that promotes and conserves England’s historic environment, including buildings, monuments and landscapes. It awards rants for conservation, keeps a register of historic buildings and has to consulted on planning decisions that affect the historic environment.

English Partnerships

The government’s land and regenration agency. It was set up to encourage the development of derelict and contaminated land.

Enterprise Centre

Generally a development aimed at new business start-ups, small units with shared facilities, offered on 'easy in - easy out' terms.

Enterprise Zones

Designated areas in deprived towns and cities where businesses can get exemptions from certain taxes, planning rules and other bureaucratic burdens in an effort to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.


To name one by one or to count. E.g. traffic flows split by types of user

European Social Fund

Government fund established under the EU employment strategy that contributes up to 45% of money needed to establish projects that will improve employability and human resources in a given area, as a strategy for tackling social exclusion.


An assessment after a project or programme has started, of the extent to which aims have been achieved, how efficiently they have been achieved, and whether there are any lessons to gained for the future.


Payments defrayed made by the accountable body or any other member of the Partnership. Similarly "income" means receipts of income (including rental income) arising from a project.

Expenditure Defrayed

Money spent, by a certain date, rather than owed.



Feasibility Study

A study to consider a problem or project for example and assess whether it can be done, what it will cost and whether it will be successful.


Information received in response to something which has been done.

Fine Grain/Coarse

Terms used in Urban design / planning to describe built up areas and street and relate to density of development.


E.g. Fine grain refers to dense, very intricate and detailed street patterns.

Floor Targets

Minimum standards set by the government for improvements in deprived areas, intended as a test for its neighbourhood renewal policy. The targets cover five areas: unemployment, crime, education, health and the environment.

Forward Plan

In SRP terms, the Plan for delivering the regeneration programme over its 7-year lifetime.

Forward Strategy

A proposal of projects that when implemented will cover those areas of the SRB programme that still require improvements to be made, in order to ensure that the Programme will be a success.



Gap funding

Property and business development projects at times cannot proceed because, as a result of their site or location, costs exceed values (i.e. either there are abnormally high costs or abnormally low completed development values).


Projects may be eligible for grant to bridge this "gap" between the costs of development and the end value.

Government Offices In the Regions (GO)

Established in 1994 as a way of bringing together the regional outposts of various government departments. Responsible for spending some government money at the regional level, including the coordination of regeneration programmes.

Green Belt

Planning restrictions that applies to countryside around towns and cities to prevent new building taking place.

Green Paper

Government outline for a proposed Act of Parliament generally intended for consultation with the public


(See also White Paper)

Greenfield Site

Land where there has been no previous development.



Health Action Zones

Partnerships between the NHS, local authorities, community and voluntary groups and business sectors in areas of high deprivation, aimed at tackling health inequalities.

Healthy Living Centre

A network of centres across the UK set up in 1999 to promote health and healthy lifestyles and tackle social exclusion in areas of rural or urban deprivation. The centres can be in the form of a building or outreach. Services provided by healthy living centres can include: well man and well woman clinics, dietary advice, family planning services, physical exercise facilities, and English language classes.


To consider an issue in context, i.e. In relation to a number of other issues, rather than in isolation.


For example, in regeneration, combining physical social and economic regeneration measures and within these considering a number of related issues.

Housing Action Trusts (HAT)

Six government controlled organisations set up to take over poor quality council housing stock.

Housing Association

A not for profit organisation, which provides social housing and is run by a voluntary committee. Housing Associations improve properties and build new homes, primarily for rent. They also provide homes for sale through special schemes, such as shared ownership, to help people on lower incomes who wish to become homeowners.

Housing Corporation

A Government body that regulates funds and promotes the proper performance of registered social landlords, (mainly Housing Associations).



Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA)

IDeA works with government organisation, voluntary groups, businesses and professionals to explore and develop good practice in all aspects of local government. Provides resources, workshops, consultation and expertise to support government initiatives such as local strategic partnerships and best value.

Index of Deprivation

An official measure used by the government to target regeneration policies to the most deprived areas.

Information Technology

Equipment such as computers and computer programmes which help with the collection, organisation, production and distribution of information.

Innovation Centre

Generally taken to be similar to an Enterprise centre, but geared towards new rapid growth industries, e.g. IT, rather than more traditional trades.



Joined up working

When organisation such as councils, hospitals and schools work together to identify and solve local problems. The government has pushed this idea as a means of closing the gaps between public services and improving overall performance.



Key Indicators

Are targets relating to the outputs and activities regarded as central to the fulfilment of the Delivery Plan.




The main spokesperson for the City Council - Cllr June Bridle is the current Leader of the Council.

Learning and Skills Council (LSC)

The Government agency now responsible for adult training in England.


Something handed down or received from an ancestor or predecessor.

Local Agenda 21 (LA21)

Local authorities are required to produce an LA21 strategy to show how they will work with their communities to achieve sustainable, environmentally friendly development. A product of the Rio earth summit of 1992.

Local Government Act 1999

Legislation that introduced the best value service improvement and inspection system. Placed a duty on council to continuously improve their services.

Local Government Act 2000

Legislation that introduced directly elected mayors and cabinet-style governmet, largely scrapping the old committee system. Also bought in a new, more flexible legal framework for local government allowing councils to take actions to increase the social, economic or environmental wellbeing of local people.

Local Government Association (LGA)

Organisation that represents around 40 councils in England and Wales. Lobbies on behalf of its members and provides advice on policy.

Local Strategic Partnership (LSP)

Initiative to ensure cooperation between public agencies, voluntary groups and businesses in the regeneration of deprived neighbourhoods.




An area based plan, which shows pictorially a regeneration strategy. It can also be a written Master plan for an area, which draws together a number of regeneration projects. (See Holistic).

Members of the City Council

The elected representatives or Councillors.


Targets or achievements, to be met by certain dates, usually identified in advance as part of an action plan, measured to determine the success of that plan.


Checking something on a regular basis to make sure it is happening as planned and is being successful in delivering what was agreed.



National Association of Councils for Voluntary Service (NACVS)

Umbrella body of more than 280 local councils for voluntary service (CVS). NACVS provides training, services and a national voice.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)

National umbrella body for voluntary organisation and charities in England. Represents organisations in negotiations with the government over service levels, charity law and consultation. Also provides support and services to organisations.


The government’s approach to regeneration attempts to target deprived areas as defined by local people rather than administrative boundaries.

Neighbourhood Development

To make improvements in the streets and surrounding areas where people live.

Neighbourhood Management Programme

A way of encouraging stakeholders to work with service providers to help improve the quality of services delivered in deprived neighbourhoods.

Neighbourhood Renewal Area

A small area designated by Southampton City Council, prior to the SRB bids, as in need of extra financial assistance from the Council.


This area is within the SRB2 area.

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF)

Provides 88 of the most deprived areas in the country with £900 million over three years from 2001, and a further £975 million over the following three years. Aimed at tackling deprivation.

Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy (NRS)

The government’s master plan for regenerating deprived parts of the country. Published in 2001 with the aim of ensuring that within 10-20 years no one should be seriously disadvantaged by where they live.

Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (NRU)

Government office based in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and charged with implementing the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy.

Neighbourhood Wardens

Civilian staff who patrol suburban areas in an attempt to control low-level crime such as vandalism.

New Deal for Communities

Community led-initiative to tackle deprivation, by providing intensive financial and other support to 39 deprived areas across England over a ten-year period. Aimed at tackling poor job prospects, crime, education, health and housing and physical environment.

New Opportunities Fund (NOF)

The body responsible for distributing national lottery money to health, education and environment projects in the UK.


An acronym for "not in my back yard" used when discussing planning issues particularly the development of new social housing. The term is used to define the opposition of residents who are against new developments that will devalue their properties.

Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

Mainly used in the UK to refer to campaigning organisations that have an interest in making clear their integrity government.




What you ultimately need to achieve.


The intended end result or outcome.

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM)

The government department responsible for neighbourhood renewal, housing and urban policy. The ODPM includes the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, Regional Coordination Unit and Social Exclusion Unit.

Out of town development

The practice of building new retail and leisure facilities in locations outside traditional community centres.


The result of a project.


For example as a result of an initiative the crime rate dropped by 15%.


The act of production of something e.g. As a result of an anti crime initiative, 200 jobs were created and 6 people gained qualifications.




A two way process involving the sharing of information and ideas, where tenants are able to influence decisions and take part in what is happening.


Drawing together of a number of separate groups or individuals, to achieve a shared objective / vision.


The Partnership approach is regarded as more effective than individuals working separately in achieving Area Based Regeneration.

Pilot Project

A small scale trial of a larger project plan or study for example.

Planning Brief

A document related to land / buildings setting out planning considerations to be taken into account in development proposals.

Planning Policy Guidance

Refers to a series of Government Planning Notes, all numbered PPG6 to PPG13


A set of principles and guidelines adopted by a group or an organisation.

Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Evolved from Primary Care Groups (PCG), PCT’s are free-standing statutory bodies that provide primary and community services and commission secondary (hospital) care on behalf of their local population. By April 2004, all PCGs are expected to be PCT’s, which will commission 75% of the NHS budget.


Ranking in order of importance bearing in mind the objectives, resources or the purchase of goods or services - usually through a bidding or tendering process.

Private Finance Initiative (PFI)

A method of providing new public buildings and projects such as schools, hospitals, roads and homes by using private sector money up front that is later repaid with nearest by the state.


The securing of services or resources usually through a tendering process


The SRP Regeneration Programme - the 7-year plan to achieve outputs and outcomes for which Government funding was given.


An individual scheme in the SRP Delivery Plan that is SRB grant aided.

Project Leader

A person responsible for the overall management of a project

Public Interest Company (PIC)

Organisations usually set up to deliver a public service with public money, but run along the lines of a business with operational independence from Whitehall.

Public-Private Partnerships

Where an organisation, such as a council or government department, strikes a deal that allows the private sector to deliver a public service.




E.g. in appraisal - a descriptive assessment of how well a project will perform and what benefit will be deprived from it by individuals and how this will help them.


Acronym for ‘ Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation’ sometimes referred to as a non-departmental public body. Quangos are part of national government but operate at arm’s length from government departments. Examples include the Housing Corporation, the Audit Commission, the Health and Safety Executive, and English Partnerships


A numerical assessment or indicator such as statistics.


E.g. how many people will benefit from a project?

Quick Wins

A term used in the regeneration sector to refer to relatively cheap and easy initiatives that can be quickly implemented in an attempt to secure community support for a regeneration scheme.



Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Attempts to deal with racism in the public sector by forcing bodies such as councils, hospitals and schools to take steps to promote good race relations.


The improvement of an area through a co coordinated programme of social, physical and economic improvements.

Regeneration Framework

A future plan of projects, examining the likely objectives and outcomes of the Programme.


It also estimate funding and outputs for the lifetime of the Programme.


This is compiled in order to ensure that the Partnership will achieve its lifetime targets.

Regional Assembly Chamber

Made of councillors and representatives from the private and voluntary sectors. England’s Regional Chambers and Assemblies were set up in 1999 to scrutinise the work of the country’s Regional Development Agencies.

Regional Coordination Unit (RCU)

National headquarters for the Government Offices in the Regions, the RCU was formed to ensure that a range of government programmes are delivered coherently at a local and regional level. RCU is within the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Regional Development Agency

For the purpose of the SRP, it acts on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions.


RDA's have many roles.


For example, they monitor the progress of the various SRB programmes and they approve projects with a lifetime funding over a Partnership's delegated limits.


In the case of the Southampton, the RDA is SEEDA

Regional Development Agency (RDA)

The government has set up development agencies in the nine English regions to promote economic growth and regeneration. RDA’s have progressively gained more funding and freedom from ministers.

Regional Voluntary Sector Networks (RVSN)

RSVNs provide advice and support at a regional level to the voluntary and community sector. General and Black Minority Ethnic (BME) networks exist in each region.


England has nine official government administrative regions: North-East, North-West, Yorkshire and Humberside, East and West Midlands, East of England, South-West, South-East and London.

Regions White Paper

Government proposals to decentralise power in English regions. Published in May 2002. Includes directly elected Regional Assemblies in parts of the country that vote for it in a referendum.

Registered Social Landlord (RSL)

The official name for housing associations, housing cooperatives and local housing companies that are registered with the Housing Corporation.

Revenue Funding

Income for wages, rent etc. i.e. non capital expenditure or money not spent on capital assets.

Ring Fencing

The Government’s practice of earmarking for national priorities parts of the funding it gives organisations such as councils and hospitals – effectively telling those organisations how to spend some of the money.

Rollover Review

An annual review of the revenue projects, which examines if each project is, amongst other things, effective, gives good value for money and if there is still a need for the project.


This information is then used to decide whether funding will continue in the next financial year.




Term used to describe a government (local, regional or national) department that does not work effectively with other parts of the organisation and outside service providers. Thought to reduce organisational effectiveness and is the enemy of "joined-up" government.

Single Pot

The regeneration funds available for distribution by the Regional Development Agencies. Replaces Single Regeneration Budget.

Single Regeneration Budget (SRB)

Now discontinued as a national scheme, the SRB was created in 1994 to narrow the gap between deprived and wealthy areas by funding local regeneration initiatives. Local partnerships of community, voluntary and business groups received money for schemes that aimed to improve employment prospects, address social exclusion and crime, and support economic growth.

Small Business Service (SBS)

The SBS is an agency of the UK’s Department of Trade and Industry. It champions the interests of small businesses, including representation to Government.

Social Capital

An idea most associated with sociologist Robert Putnam. It is used to represent the value people get out of relationships between them. Exchanging ideas, sharing resources and supporting each other’s concerns are some of the ways in which social capital is produced. It is thought that social capital increases and becomes more sophisticated when networks have communication with each other

Social Enterprise

A business that trades primarily to achieve social aims, while making a profit. Social aims might include job creation, training and provision of local services. They are organised along democratic lines, with service users having full say in the direction of the business. Credit unions are examples of banking social enterprises.

Social Enterprise Unit (SEnU)

Government body located at the Department of Trade and Industry. Acts as a focal point and co-ordinator for policy making affecting social enterprise and promotes and champions social enterorise. Addresses barriers to growth of social enterprises, and identifies and spreads good practice.

Social Entrepreneurs

Individuals who are prime movers in improving or promoting social enterprises.

Social Exclusion

To live in a segregated society; to be alienated from the main group or mainstream provision, e.g. services / employment market.

Social Exclusion Unit (SEU)

Set up in 1997 to help reduce social exclusion by producing "joined up solutions to joined up problems". The SEU works with government departments to research, implement and promote policies that tackle social exclusion and poverty.

Social Housing

Housing which is not privately owned but rented from a Housing Association, Trust or the City Council.

Social Housing Grant

Money awarded by the Housing Corporation to Housing Associations and RSLs to build or improve housing.

Social Inclusion

To be included in the main social group and benefit from mainstream provision.

Social Regeneration

Process of tackling the social problems that lead to deprivation, such as crime and drugs. The process is different from physical regeneration, which tackles run-down buildings and communal areas, and economic regeneration, which is aimed at creating jobs and wealth.

Southampton Regeneration Partnership

The organisation responsible for processing applications and monitoring all the projects, that make up the SRB programme.

SRB Funding Contract

The agreement between SRP/SCC as grant agency and a project organisation, which sets out terms and conditions for the award of grant.


A group or an individual with an interest in an initiative, project or activity and its resulting outcomes.


These groups or individuals could be from businesses, the community, owners' etc.

State Aid

Government funds to private companies' etc.


State aid rules set by the EEC limit assistance so as to maintain competition between industries in member states.

Statutory Authority

An organisation that is required by law to provide public services and receives central or local government funding, for example health authorities and local authorites.

Statutory Duty

Something that has to be done by legal requirement (Act of Parliament) e.g. The City Council has a legal responsibility to help the homeless.

Statutory Services

Refers to services provided by the local authority as a matter of course. Examples of statutory services include social services.

Strategic Objective

A broad goal to be achieved through the implementation of projects designed to attain the desired improvement.


A particular long term plan for success.

Sure Start

The programme aims to improve children’s life opportunities by working with parents and parents-to-be in deprived areas and providing better access to family support, advice on nurturing, health services and early learning.


Refers to moves by organisations to move beyond short term funding for their activities, to more dependable funding so that work is adequately supported. Strategies may include selling products or services such as publications or consultancy.

Sustainable Development

An approach to world development that aims to allow economic growth without damaging the environment or natural resources. The Government has produced a strategy for ensuring sustainable development in the UK.


When people or groups produce a more successful result by working together rather than on their own, or the value of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


A summary or outline




In a housing context, this refers to the ownership of a property or home. E.g. Owner occupied, privately rented, Council Housing, Housing Association etc.

Third Sector

Collective name for charity, voluntary, non government and campaigning organisations.

Two Tier Local Government

A system under which county and district councils work together to deliver the full range of local government services. Generally, the smaller district councils tackle issues such as housing and tourism, while their larger county council delivers in areas such as education and social services.



Unitary Council

A local authority that delivers the full range of local government services itself, rather than splitting them between county and district councils. Usually covers urban or other built up areas.


An area in the City or Town as opposed to rural areas. To urbanise an area would be to make it more Town or City like.

Urban Design (Strategy)

The way in which buildings, open space and infrastructure are situated in relation to each other, in order to create the desired effect.


One such effect is how people move from place to place in an efficient, but pleasant manner.


The strategy is the policy of how this is implemented effectively.


The City Council is currently investigating how this can be achieved in Southampton.

Urban Task Force

A group of people, brought together by the Government, all from different but relevant backgrounds, to look at towns and cities in England and abroad. This was to identify causes of urban decline in England and recommend practical solutions to bring people back into our cities, towns and urban neighbourhoods.


The Task Force has reported back with its recommendations on how improvements could and should be made in a number of different aspects, in order to improve the quality of life for all.

Urban Village

An urban area within a larger town or city, with its own distinctive character.




In development terms an empty property or a period of time when a property or unit is unlet.

Voluntary Sector

Collectively, agencies that provide services on a voluntary basis, e.g. charities.



Welfare to Work

A Central Government Programme which aims to deliver wide ranging job, training and local employment opportunities, with a focus on the employability of local people. It targets specific groups of people e.g. 18 24 year olds, single parents and disabled people.


Also known as New Deal.

White Paper

Statement of policy issued by the government. White papers often form the basis of new legislation, and are usually preceded by a consultative green paper.




Black Minority Ethnic


Department for Education and Skills


European Social Fund


Early Years Development & Childcare Partnership


Further Education


Government Office South East


Higher Education


Local Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy


Learning and Skills Council


Local Strategic Partnership


New Deal for Communities


Neighbourhood Renewal Fund


Office of the Deputy Prime Minister




Primary Care Trust


Public Service Agreements


Registered Social Landlord – eg Housing Associations


South East England Development Agency


South East England Regional Assembly


Single Regeneration Budget – Round 6


Safer and Stronger Communities Fund





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