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Local Government - Councils

Local Councils jargon is just as useless as that from central government. However, Local Council jargon can be manipulated to focus on local issues that may not be relevant anywhere else.

Therefore, one set of local council jargon can differ from one area to the next & the same acronyms could mean totally different things to each council.

This can create interesting characteristics in local council jargon that can have an erratic or inconsistent flavour when trying to transfer ideas as Local Council Officials move from one council to another as they invariably do.



Local Councils Jargon

Capacity Building

Capacity building is about ensuring that organisations have the skills, knowledge, structures and resources to realise their full potential.


Community Chest (CC)

Now in its second year the Community Chest provides grants of £50-£5000 for projects that will improve the quality of life of Hackney residents.


Community Empowerment Fund (CEF)

The Community Empowerment Fund is used to commission activities which facilitate participation in neighbourhood renewal and the Hackney Strategic Partnership.


Community Empowerment Network (CEN)

The CEN is a network of over 330 voluntary, community, and residents' organisations in Hackney, committed to improving the borough through participation in neighbourhood renewal.


Community Empowerment Network Planning Groupmunity (CENPG)

The CENPG was set up by the CEN to devise a development strategy for the CEN and to represent the sector at the Hackney Strategic Partnership. These representatives have been elected at community elections and hold office for the duration of the NRF programme.


Community group

A Community Group is a group of people who come together to pursue a common cause or interest for the good of their community. This community can be a geographic area eg Dalston or a group of people, eg Somalis. They are often run by volunteers, manage themselves and, although they don't necessarily have to have a management committee or set of rules, many do.


Community Learning Chest

Grants for individuals (up to £500) and groups (up to £5000) who want to develop their skills and knowledge. This includes activities such as training, participation, subscriptions to journals, good practice, helping communities explore their cultures, IT.


Community sector

The Community Sector describes all community groups and associations in the borough.

Disabled group

A Disabled Group is a group that provides services to disabled people on a not-for-profit basis. It can be a community or voluntary group.


Environmental group

An Environmental Group is a group that addresses environmental problems on a not-for-profit basis. It can be a community or voluntary group.


Hackney Strategic Partnership (HSP)

The Government requires the development of a Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) in each area to bring together representatives of the public, private, voluntary and community sectors to deliver improvements in social, economic and environmental well-being.


HSP Partnership Forum

This is the upper tier of the HSP which includes 45-50 members and meets quarterly. The forum is the decision making body of HSP and is the "custodian" of the Vision and the Neighbourhood Renewal (NR) strategy.


HSP Steering Group

This group is in effect the Management Committee of the HSP, dealing with the management of programmes and channeling issues, reporting progress and being accountable for agreed actions to the Partnership Forum.


Lifelong Learning group

A Lifelong Learning Group is a group that encourages access to education and learning relevant to individuals' personal goals and the needs of the community. It can be a community or voluntary group that operates on a not-for-profit basis.


Local Network Fund

Grants of £250-£7000 for voluntary and community groups working with vulnerable children and young people up to age 19 which are providing local solutions to the problems of child poverty.


Neighbourhood Renewal (NR)

"A New Commitment to Neighbourhood Renewal - National Strategy Action Plan" sets out the Government's policies to tackle deprivation wherever it occurs in England. A key element of the strategy is the improvement of mainstream services to produce better outcomes in the most deprived areas of which Hackney is one.


Older People's group

An Older People's group is a group that provides services in the community on a not-for-profit basis for people aged 65 or over. It can be a community or voluntary group.


Race group

A Race Group is a group that alleviates problems associated with race on a not-for-profit basis. It can be a community or voluntary group.


Refugees & Asylum Seekers group

A Refugee & Asylum Seekers group is a group that alleviates problems associated with immigration and asylum on a not-for-profit basis. It can be a community or voluntary group.


Tenants & Residents Association (TRA)

A Tenants & Residents Association (TRA) is an organisation run by and for tenants and leaseholders of council and social landlord-owned property. It usually is a community sector organisation that operates on a not-for-profit basis.


Vision themes of HSP

The Seven themes which comprise the Hackney neighbourhood renewal strategy are:

A thriving, healthy and inclusive community

A place where you would want your children to be educated

A place to enjoy yourself

A good place to work and do business

A good place to get around

A good place to live

A confident and safe community


Voluntary sector

Although both self help and community organisations are voluntary organisations the Voluntary Sector term usually describes the network of larger organisations many of whom will have a policy remit. Such organisations often have a strategic or advocacy role. NCVO describes voluntary organisations that are: formal (have a constitution); independent of government and self-governing; not-for-profit and operate with a meaningful degree of volunteer involvement.


Voluntary Sector umbrella group

A Voluntary Sector Umbrella Group is a voluntary sector organisation providing support services for a network of voluntary and/or community organisations who provide direct services to the community.


Women's group

A Women's Group is a group that provides services in the community on a not-for-profit basis for women of all ages. It can be a community or voluntary group.